MD Automation Ltd
Packaging & Production Machinery Engineers

We provide a full range of Mechanical, Electrical and Software Engineering services to the food and manufacturing industries.
Our skill base includes Control Systems, Automation and Mechanical Design.
Experts in High-Speed Packaging and Mechanical Handling, and provide a range of services including Machine Upgrade/Refurbishment and Labour saving systems such as Robotic Handling and Intelligent Conveyor Systems.

What our Customers say:

" . . .  very pleased with the way the machine was turned around in a short time under pressure. We will undoubtedly call on you again in future."

" . . . thank you for expertise that you have given the company, and most of all myself over a difficult and busy time . . ."

"  . . . since Mike's modifications we are now managing to run the line without any stoppages . . ."
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